Instructions for Full Proposal Submissions
LOI submission window has closed
Project Description and Justification
The chief document upon which the merits of your proposal will be judged should be called “Project Description and Justification.” Given the word limitation, you may submit a literature review or other ancillary materials as separate appendices. Such additional materials are optional.
Empirical proposals are limited to 6,000 words (not including references). The total budget including indirect costs to your institution (15% maximum of direct costs) cannot exceed $250,000.
Non-Empirical proposals are limited to 3,000 words (not including references). The total budget including indirect costs to your institution (15% maximum of direct costs) cannot exceed $100,000.
Empirical Early Career proposals are limited to 6,000 words (not including references). The total budget including indirect costs to your institution (15% maximum of direct costs) cannot exceed $25,000.
Non-Empirical Early Career proposals are limited to 3,000 words (not including references). The total budget including indirect costs to your institution (15% maximum of direct costs) cannot exceed $15,000.
Your submitted proposal should include the following:
A list and brief description of all deliverables by the end of your project
Central questions addressed by the project
Background and significance of the central questions
Identification of which of the RFP question(s) (listed on pages 3-5) the project addresses
Summary of the methodology and hypotheses (for empirical projects and as applicable for non-empirical projects)
Statement describing how the proposed project could impact our understanding of gratitude beyond the psychology of religion/spirituality
Statement that you agree to abide by the best open science practices as indicated in Section 2.iii on page 9 of the RFP
Upload Your Project Description and Justification
Please use this form to upload your proposal as a Word doc
(no larger than 10MB)
Additional Documents
Required documents submitted as appendices include:
Cover letter with your name, your institutional affiliation where the grant will be administered, the title, amount requested, duration of the project (not to exceed two years), and other team members (if applicable)
Project abstract of up to 500 words which explains the project and its significance that may be published on the project website (and possibly in Templeton materials), and included in publicity materials if the proposal is funded
Curriculum vitae for all investigators (including yourself) and consultants
Letter indicating willingness to be involved from all team members
List of deliverables/outputs expected during the project and if applicable, after the project has ended
Detailed budget on the form provided below (please note: no Project ID is required)
Budget justification narrative for each line item in the budget
Timeline on the form provided below (commencing no earlier than September 1, 2020 and no later than November 1, 2020)
Approval letter from your department head or dean
Optional appendices include:
Literature review if needed given the length limitation of the project description and justification
Any previous publications you or other team members have had that are related to your topic
Upload Your Additional Documents
Please use our form to upload your documents as Word, PDF, or Excel files (no larger than 10MB)
Please refer to your invitation letter for further details not mentioned here. Proposals are due no later than April 30, 2020. A final decision regarding your proposal will be communicated by July 1, 2020. If you have any questions, please contact