Project Outputs

Anderson, M.L. (2022). “Giving Thanks for the Gift of Life: Karl Barth on Gratitude to God for One’s Own Life.” Religions, 13(10), 959. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Anderson, M.L. (2022). “Gratitude for (One’s Own) Life.” American Philosophical Quarterly

Cockayne, J., & Salter, G. (2022). Liturgical Gratitude to God. Religions, 13(9), 795. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Cohoe, Caleb M. (2022, September). “Endurance, Acceptance, or Constitutional Gratitude: Non-Theistic and Theistic Attitudes to Suffering.” Religions, vol. 13, no. 10, 2022, p. 1005.,

Dunnington, K. (2022). “The Distinctiveness of Christian Gratitude: A Theological Survey.” Religions, 13(10), 889. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

East, B. (2022, January 13). “Grace Upon Grace: Toward a Christian grammar of gratitude.” Comment Magazine.

East, B. (2022). “Is scripture a gift? Reflections on the divine-ecclesial provision of the canon.” Religions, 13(10), 961. MDPI AG.

Emmons, R.A., & Afshar, M. (2021). Gratitude as the foundation for joy. Journal of Youth and Theology.

Emmons, R.A. (in press) Gratitude: A virtue as vast as life itself? In N. Vette & M. Siddiqui (Eds.), A Theology of Gratitude: Christian and Muslim Perspectives. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Emmons, R.A. (in press) Is gratitude the foundation of benevolence? In. J. F. Fontrodona (Ed.), Can Benevolence Change the World? London: Routledge.

Emmons, R.A. (in press). The virtual gratitude visit. In S.D. Pressman & A.C. Parks (Eds.) Activities for Teaching Positive Psychology: A Guide for Instructors (Volume 2). American Psychological Association.

Emmons, R.A., & Rashedi, R. (in press) “The good life and positive psychology.” In D. Collins (Ed)., Comparative Perspectives On a Life Worth Living. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press.

Exline, J.J., & Wilt, J.A. (2022). “Gratitude to God: Brief Prompts Do Not Increase It, Wording of Questions Matters, and Belief in a Loving, Powerful, Gift-Giving God Remains Central.” Religions, 13(9), 791. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Harris, J.E. (2022). “The Human Arts of Graceful Giving and Grateful Receiving.” Renovation: The Journal of Zaytuna College; Are we One and the Same? Vol. 5 No. 1 Pg. 11.

Harris, J.E. (2023). Existential gratitude: A social-structural account. In J.E. Harris, K. Lougheed, & N. DeRoo (Eds.) Philosophical Perspectives on Existential Gratitude. (pp. 13-30). Bloomsbury Publishing, London, UK. 

Kaczor, C. (2022). “Thomas Aquinas on Gratitude to God.” Religions, 13(8), 692. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Keefer, L.A., & Fetterman, A.K. “Building on a solid foundation: conceptual mapping informs schemas for relating to God.” International Journal for the Psychology of Religion.

Nelson, J.M., Schnitker, S.A., Williams, E., & Tsang, J.-A. (2022) Intangible Benefactors and the Contribution of Construal Level and Attitude Accessibility in Predicting Gratitude and Expansive Emotions. Religions, 13(9), 866. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Nelson, J. M. (2022, August). “The Forgotten Teaching of King Benjamin.” Line Upon Line. (online publication).

Nelson, J., Hardy, S.A., & Watkins, P. (in press) “Transcendent indebtedness to God: A new construct and measure.” Psychology of Religiosity and Spirituality.

Oishi, S., Cha, Y. (submitted) “Gratitude, Indebtedness and God: Is Gratitude to God Different from Indebtedness to God?” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Oishi, S., Uskul, A.K., (in press) “A Cross-Cultural Method in Social and Personality Psychology: The Cultural Imagination.” Handbook of Research Methods in Social and Personality Psychology.

Park, C.L., et al. (2022). “Gratitude to God: A Unique Construct Adding to Our Understanding of Religiousness and Gratitude.” Religions, vol. 13, no. 9, p. 872.,

Park, C.L., George, J.R., Awao, S., Carney, L.M., Batt, S., & Salsman, J.M. (2022). U.S. Federal Investment in Religiousness/Spirituality and Health Research: A Systematic Review. Religions, 13(8), 725. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Serazin, A., & Emmons, R.A. (2021, November 12). “How gratitude can help combat climate change.” Time,

Tay, L., Thapa, S., Newman, D.B., & Choudhury, M.D. (2022). Using Social Media to Assess Expressions of Gratitude to God: Issues for Consideration. Religions, 13(9), 778. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Tsang, J., Schnitker, S.A., Emmons, R.A., & Hill, P.C. (2021). “Feeling the intangible: antecedents of gratitude toward intangible benefactors.” The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1-17.

Van Cappellen, P., & Edwards, M. Emotion expression in context: Full body postures of Christian prayer orientations compared to specific emotions. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior.

Vaughn, J.M., King, P.E., Mangan, S., Noe, S., Hay, S., O’Neil, B., Tirrell, J.M., et al. (2022). Agentic and Receptive Hope: Understanding Hope in the Context of Religiousness and Spirituality through the Narratives of Salvadoran Youth. Religions, 13(4), 376. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Watkins, P., Frederick, M., & Davis, D.E. (2022). “Gratitude to God Predicts Religious Well-Being over Time.” Religions, 13(8), 675. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Watkins, P.C., Frederick, M., & Dodson, A. (in press). “Gratitude and happiness: The causes and consequences of gratitude.” In F. Irtelli & F. Gabrielli (Eds), Happiness—Biopsychosocial and Anthropological Perspectives. IntechOpen. 

Watkins, P.C., Munger, P., Hutton, B., Elliot, K., & Mathews, A. (in press). “Modifying interpretation bias leads to congruent changes in gratitude.” Journal of Positive Psychology.

White, C., Johnson, K.A., & Mirbozorgi, B. (2022, August 24). “Unique Cognitive and Emotional Profiles of Interpersonal Gratitude and Spiritual Gratitude.”

Wilt, J.A., & Exline, J.J. (2022). “Personality Predictors of Gratitude to God: Examining the Roles of Positive Emotional Traits and Adaptive Relational Styles.” Religions, 13(9), 839. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Wilt, J.A., & Exline, J.J. (2022). Receiving a gift from God in times of trouble: Links between gratitude to God, the affective circumplex, and perceived closeness to God. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 25(3), 362-379.