Empirical Awards (9)
Project Title: Shades of Gratitude: Exploring Divine, Cosmic, and Personal Sources of Gratitude
Principal Investigator: Pamela Ebstyne King
Co- Investigators: Stephanie Trudeau; Susan Mangan
Institution: Fuller Seminary
Funding Amount: $224,705
Project Title: Rules, Relationship, Relief, and Radiance: Setting the Stage for Gratitude to God
Principal Investigator: Julie Exline
Co- Investigators: Joshua Wilt
Institution: Case Western Reserve University
Funding Amount: $224,741
Project Title: Mapping Gratitude to God in Language
Principal Investigator: Lucas Keefer
Institution: University of Southern Mississippi
Funding Amount: $176,696
Project Title: The Nature of Gratitude to God in Daily Life
Principal Investigator: David Newman
Co- Investigators: Arthur Stone; Louis Tay
Institution: University of San Francisco
Funding Amount: $225,000
Project Title: The varieties of gratitude to God
Principal Investigator: Shigehiro Oishi
Institution: University of Virginia
Funding Amount: $224,850
Project Title: Interplay Among Gratitude to God, Favorable and Adverse Life Circumstances, and Religiousness
Principal Investigator: Crystal Park
Co-Investigators: Todd Kashdan
Institution: University of Connecticut
Funding Amount: $224,936
Project Title: Public Expressions of Gratitude to God on Social Media
Principal Investigator: Louis Tay
Co- Investigators: David Newman; Munmun De Choudhury
Institution: Purdue University
Funding Amount: $225,000
Project Title: On Thanksgiving: How Gratitude to God is Demonstrated, with Consequences for the Grateful Person and Witnesses
Principal Investigator: Patty Van Cappellen
Co- Investigators: Sara Agloe
Institution: Duke University
Funding Amount: $224,914
Project Title: The Form and Function of Gratitude to God: Investigating the unique conditions and consequences of Gratitude to God
Principal Investigator: Phillip Watkins
Co- Investigators: Don Davis
Institution: Eastern Washington University
Funding Amount: $225,000
Non-Empirical Awards (6)
Project Title: Gratitude as Religious Ideal and Embodied Practice: An Ethnographic Investigation of Gratitude to God in Contexts of Adversity and Hardship
Principal Investigator: Morgen Chalmiers
Co- Investigators: Thomas Csordas
Institution: UC San Diego
Funding Amount: $84,993
Project Title: How Cosmic Gratitude Works: Why Gratitude to Non-Personal Agents is Possible
Principal Investigator: Caleb Cohoe
Institution: Metropolitan State University of Denver
Funding Amount: $84,980
Project Title: Ingratitude to the Silent God
Principal Investigator: Kent Dunnington
Institution: Biola University
Funding Amount: $84,985
Project Title: To what extent can nonbelievers be grateful to God?
Principal Investigator: Tony Manela
Institution: Siena College
Funding Amount: $84,248
Project Title: Gratitude to God: Tradition-embedded and Tradition-transcending
Principal Investigator: Charles Mathewes
Institution: University of Virginia
Funding Amount: $85,000
Project Title: Gratitude to God and Relation to the World
Principal Investigator: Miroslav Volf
Co- Investigators: Ryan McAnally-Linz
Institution: Yale University
Funding Amount: $72,569
Early Career Empirical Awards (4)
Project Title: Distinguishing gratitude to God and interhuman gratitude: A qualitative inquiry
Principal Investigator: Adam Hodge
Co- Investigators: Joshua Hook
Institution: University of North Texas
Funding Amount: $25,000
Project Title: Gratitude and Indebtedness to God
Principal Investigator: Jenae Nelson
Co- Investigators: Sam Hardy; Dianne Trice
Institution: Brigham Young University
Funding Amount: $24,955
Project Title: The Motivational Antecedents of Feeling Gratitude to God
Principal Investigator: Allon Vishkin
Institution: Artis Corporation
Funding Amount: $24,955
Project Title: Exploring the role of mind attribution and awe as determinates of non-personal gratitude
Principal Investigator: Cindel White
Co- Investigators: Brent Stewart
Institution: The University of British Columbia
Funding Amount: $25,000
Early Career Non-Empirical Awards (5)
Project Title: The Ethics of Gratitude and the Gift of Life
Principal Investigator: Matthew Anderson
Institution: Baylor University
Funding Amount: $15,000
Project Title: Group Gratitude to God
Principal Investigator: Joshua Cockayne
Institution: University of St. Andrews
Funding Amount: $14,998
Project Title: Grace Upon Grace: The Difference the Doctrine of God Makes for a Christian Grammar of Gratitude
Principal Investigator: Brad East
Institution: Abilene Christian University
Funding Amount: $15,000
Project Title: The Metaphysics of Existence and Gratitude to God
Principal Investigator: Joshua Harris
Institution: The King’s University
Funding Amount: $14,719
Project Title: Gratitude to God for Our Own Goodness
Principal Investigator: Robert Hartman
Institution: Stockholm University
Funding Amount: $6,000